AEL Project
The Arabic E-Lit network (AEL)
AEL, which was launched in Sept. 2015, is the first dedicated initiative in English language to globalize Arabic electronic literature. This project includes holding conferences, giving workshops, curating exhibits, and many other activities. It intends to achieve many goals as noted on its website:
1- Creating a website in English entitled “arabicelit” (launched in Sept. 2015), to globalize Arabic e-lit and discuss the related issues.
2- Uploading the data of Arabic e-lit writers and their works upon the world databases of ELMCIP. We finished the first stage on October 17, 2015, by uploading the personal data of Arabic e-lit writers. The second stage will include uploading data about the creative works.
3- Holding a multi-day conference on Arabic e-lit, which was held at RIT Dubai, Feb. 25-7, 2018. Many Arab and international writers who are interested in Arabic e-lit participated in this conference.
4- Creating academic programs and workshops, publishing research papers about Arabic e-lit works and making comparisons with the international works to define the place of Arabic e-lit on the world map of e-lit.
5- Creating networks between programmers and artists for a productive collaboration. (arabicelit, 2015)
The AEL project’s website can be accessed from here (
Arabic Electronic Literature: New Horizons and Global Perspectives
(an international conference, to be held at R.I.T. Dubai from February 25-27, 2018)

The conference is the first of its kind ever that creates a shared discourse among Arab and international scholars. This conference comes as one of the objectives of the Arabic Electronic Literature AEL network.
Keynote Speakers of this conference:

The English papers of this Conference were published in the Electronic Book Review (EBR) journal. The Arabic articles, in addition to the English articles’ translations into Arabic were published in Digital Links Journal.
Hacking Electronic Literature
a workshop presented by Reham Hosny, Dene Grigar, and John Barber
This full-day, hands-on workshop is the first of its kind ever offered in the Arab World specifically, and is aimed at teaching digital tools used in creating electronic literature (e-lit). It is divided into two parts: an introduction to the field, which orients participants on examples of electronic genres and exemplary works, and a creative session that enables participants to produce their own works of e-lit. At the end of the workshop, participants will have a good understanding of what e-lit is and how it is produced.

The workshop is open to Arabic artists and scholars, and to anyone else interested in the emerging field of born digital literature.
The Structure of the Workshop can be accessed from here:
An Exhibition of Original Creative Works of e-Literature
in conjunction with
Arabic Electronic Literature: New Horizons and Global Perspectives
an international conference held at
February 25-27, 2018

More than 50 records were created for the Arab digital artists and scholars on the world knowledge base ELMCIP. The full list of records is available here:

Future of Arabic E-Lit: A Symposium at RIT-Dubai
On the third day of the meeting of the Arabic e-lit conference’s planning committee at RIT-Dubai, a series of lectures on the future of Arabic e-lit were given to the public by a group of Arab and American scholars: Mohamed Hussein Habib (Babylon University, Iraq), Patrick Lichty (Zayed University, Dubai), Reham Hosny (RIT, New York/Minia Univ. Egypt), Eman Yunis (writer and Academic, Palestinian of 48), Ahmed Fadl Shablul (writer and Journalist, Egypt), and Sayed Negm (novelist and critic, Egypt).
The lecturers presented their perceptions of Arabic e-lit and its future in the digital age followed by Q&A from the audience. More info is available here: