Guest Lectures



Decentralising Electronic Literature

“Decentralising Electronic Literature: Arabic insights.”

AIMES, University of Leeds, UK,

Feb. 12, 2020.

د. ريهام حسني

“AI as a Narrative Technique: Perspectives on the First Arabic AR and Hologram Novel .”,

organized by Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge and the Access to Knowledge for Development Center, American University in Cairo, at AUC, Cairo, Oct. 13-14, 2019.

ريهام حسني بمكتبة ليدز العامة

“Re-thinking Literature in the Digital Age”

Leeds Library, UK,

Sept. 23, 2019.

ريهام حسني جامعة ليدز بريطانيا

“#ArabWomenELit: Shahrazad Tells Stories for the Digital Age”

Centre for World Literatures, School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of Leeds, UK,

June 4, 2019.

محاضرة ريهام حسني بكلية الألسن جامعة المنيا

“Electronic Literature: The Genesis and Development,”

Languages and Translation Center, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Minia University, Egypt,

March 12, 2018.

محاضرة د. ريهام حسني بنادي الأدب بأسيوط

“Arabic Electronic Literature,”

The Literature Club, Assuit, Egypt,

March, 3, 2018.

محاضرة د. ريهام حسني بالمعهد العالي للغات

“Electronic Literature: The Essence and Identity”

Higher Institute of Languages (HIL), Egypt,

Feb.2, 2018.

محاضرة ريهام حسني عن الكوزموأدب

“Cosmo-Literature: What is it?”

DHSS Showcase, RIT-New York,

May 8, 2017.

مؤتمر دبي ريهام حسني

“Arabic Electronic Literature: An Introduction,”

RIT-Dubai, March 14, 2017.

تاريخ الأدب الكتروني ريهام حسني بمعهد روشستر التقني بنيويورك

“Arabic E-Lit: History and Development,”

RIT-New York, Eng 315, USA,

Oct. 27, 2016.


مقدمة في الأدب الإلكتروني بمعهد روشستر التقني

“Electronic Literature: An Introduction,”

RIT-New York, DHSS 101, USA,

Nov. 16, 2016.